Egg Head 9


Cast Crystal Sculpture

15cms x 19cms

Influenced by the Easter Island heads, this rather more domestic scaled piece exploits the ability of glass to trap elements and free them within the illusion of space made solid.

Glass is transparent, you can see through it, it almost isn’t there.  However this negative quality is juxtaposed by its actual materiality – you can feel it, it can be incredibly strong, it prevents access and it represents a barrier. Because you can see the surface, the interior and what lies beyond, glass has the potential to represent the discrepancy between the verifyable shell of our bodies and the private reality of the person we really are.

If we could see inside our heads, what would we see?  I would like to think that our ideas and personalities would float like these little bubbles of air, swirling in good intentions and good will towards the similar well-meaning minds that surround it.




States of Contradiction 1 – Conviction

Free Standing Lead Glass Sculpture

approx 60 x 45 cms

My work is often concerned with the relationship between two opposites.  In States of Contradiction 1 – 3 three screen-printed and slumped glass works weave text and image in a warp and weft of what is said and what is done in war.

 This work was produced as the culmination of a residency in 2002/04 at The University of Hertfordshire organised through the Artist’s Access to Art Colleges Scheme (AA2A) and Funded by ACE & CHEAD

 This work was selected for exhibition at the 2004 Greenbelt Festival ‘Freedom/Bound’ at Cheltenham Racecourse.

  States of Contradiction 1 - Justice

States of Contradiction 2 – Justice

Free Standing Lead Glass Sculpture

approx 60 x 45 cms

States of Contradiction 3  States of Contradiction 3

Lead Glass Wall hanging

60 x 45 cms

 This work is concerned with ‘prisoners of war’ who are bound and confined, without due process of law and in contravention of the Geneva Convention.

The weaving of the horizontal text and vertical images symbolise the dichotomy between two opposites and highlights the disparity between sentiments expressed within the American Constitution and the practice of holding prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba